Monday 13 August 2012

The terrifying creature, otherwise known as an ant.

You may have read in the brief introduction which I wrote earlier that ants scare me. You are probably staring at the screen right now thinking that I'm a real nut case if ants scare me. Little innocent ants... It all started a few years back when someone told me about a news story about how a man was eaten by ants- I'm still not sure how. Living in a city, I don't see "evil flesh eating" ants that often but this summer I went for a holiday abroad to visit my grandparents and they live in a country full of forests. One day, my family thought it would be a "great" idea to take a walk in the forest. My grandparents walked ahead and me and mum were walking past an anthill where my mum pointed out that those ants over there could eat you if you sat there long enough (in my head i was thinking that my "evil flesh eating" ant theory was proved). I think you can guess what I did next. Yes, i avoided the anthill but I also tried to shake off any ant that crawled on my foot. The worst part was, that i wasn't even wearing shoes for the forest. There I was with ants crawling on me and trying to shake them off, hopping on one foot then another in my dolly shoes... You may be thinking that I take the whole "ant phobia" thing too far (and I may be exaggerating) but we all have some fears and mine just so happens to be --> ants!


Hi I'm Evelyn and I'd like to welcome you to my blog. Before you read any more about me, you should know at least 5 key things about me:

  1. I love music!
  2. I have a phobia of ants (i'll explain later)
  3. I play the violin
  4. I laugh at almost everything
  5. I hate mushrooms (they're evil!)
Of course, there is much more to know about me but you'll see that as I post more in the future.