Thursday 11 October 2012

Magazine research

 NME is a magazine that is focused on Indie music produced by groups but does cover some pop at times. NME features artists such as The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and The Libertines. The audience are mainly young adults to middle adults (20-40) because the type of music that the magazine is about attracts mainly an older audience but there is a secondary audience which could be other Indie fans, fans of pop or older teenagers who like the genre.

Mojo is a magazine that focuses on Classic Rock. Artist such as Bob Dylan and John Lennon have previously featured and it was the first UK mainstream magazine to feature The White Stripes. The audience for this magazine is older teenagers and young adults (16-25) because teenagers and young people tend to listen to classic rock more. Also, the secondary audience might be parents because they want to know what their children are listening to and maybe they might like classic rock themselves. 

Q Magazine focuses on pop/ rock music. Its audience are the older generation of listeners because they tend to listen to bands such as Oasis which feature in the magazine. The magazine has a secondary audience of younger readers who are interested in rock and pop or just genuinely like the newspaper style.

The Vibe magazine focuses on hip-hop and R&B music which means that the target audience for the magazine is likely to be teenagers and possibly young adults (14-20) because they are the sort of people who listen and can relate to the music more than older people, however, sometimes the magazine can have a secondary audience of older adults because they see the music around them and therefore they listen to it too and hence read the magazines that come with it (or they just like the music).

Wire is a music magazine that started of having a Jazz genre but now includes hip-hop, modern classical, free improvisation, post rock and electrical music. This magazine has quite a broad audience and perhaps mostly older adults (25-45) because not many young people tend to listen to Jazz or modern classical because they find it boring and unexciting, however, it can attract younger people because it does include electrical music and hip-hop which are more popular among the younger generation.

The Situation is an urban magazine that focuses on Rap and R&B. It has a young audience- most likely teenagers- because they listen to this type of music more and therefore are more likely to read a magazine that talks about the style of music that they listen to because they will find it most easy to relate to. Also, the magazine features some big names in R&B and rap which makes it interesting for young people/ teenagers to read.

As you can probably tell by the logo, Kerrang is a magazine that focuses on rock. Some of the feature artists include: Black Veiled Brides, Rage against the Machine, Slipknot , DragonForce or The Defiled. These bands attract a young audience for the magazine because rock is associated with rebellion and young people tend to be rebellious, however, some older people might be interested in rock and also buy the magazine and therefore they might become the secondary audience.
B&S (Blues & Soul) Is a magazine that focuses on Blues and Soul artists. Some of the featured artists include Rita Ora, Tinchy Strider, Ne-Yo, Leela James and Lemar. This magazine is aimed at older adults- middle age adults (30-40) because the magazine has quite dull colours that go with the theme as well as the fact that young people don't tend to listen to blues and soul because they can't identify with it unless they are very passionate about it.

The source is a magazine about hip-hop music politics and culture. The magazine is aimed at older teenagers and young adults (16-24) because hip-hop music interests the younger audience but the politics and culture aspect interests the older part of the target audience but also creates secondary audience of older people.

This magazine has a genre of rock and rap and features artists and groups such as U2. The magazine is aimed at an older audience because the website looks quite mature and subtle and also has advertisement for charity which is the type of things that would interest an older audience rather than teenagers.

The BBC Music magazine focuses on classical music although it covers Jazz and World music as well. This magazine is most probably aimed at adults in their middle years to older people because the BBC Music magazine is quite posh and sophisticated therefore younger people won't be drawn to it because the'd find it boring. Also, older people tend to enjoy classical music more than younger people because they can relate to it more and know more about it.

More magazine stuff :)

5 Creative ways which I could promote my magazine are:
  1. Use social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to advertise the magazine.
  2. Use TV advertising/ Radio Advertising
  3. Use other magazines' advert pages/newspapers to promote the magazine
  4. Advertisements on buses, bus stops and the tube
  5. Billboards on roadsides

Thursday 4 October 2012

Teen Drama...

Waterloo Road!

The Narrative was very intense and followed the conventions of a teen drama because it had a lot of suspense an a lot off narrative hooks. For example a pupil having a crush on a teacher because it is not something that happens very often but you identify with the character because she was upset. Also, there were two narratives colliding which meant you had more to watch and so you were always guaranteed action and therefore you won't get bored.

The characters were school children but mainly older teenagers (6th formers) which made the drama easier to relate to as we are around people of that age everyday and therefore it makes the drama more realistic and down to earth for school children because they can see some elements of the same situations even if they are not as exaggerated in real life.

Setting and Audience:
The drama is set in a high school which means it is aimed at 11 year old teens to 18 year old students because older adults and students might find it a bit childish and uneasy to relate since they don't face that sort of drama,  however, even though the primary audience might be 11-17, there is still a secondary audience of perhaps parents, older students and sometimes even adults.

We can tell this is a teen drama because a teen drama usually has a lot of music and Waterloo road had a piece of music in the background for every important part of the episode. Also, we saw young actors and we heard slang which usually only occurs in a teen drama because that is stereotypical to how teenagers speak. Also, the fact that they wore uniforms as costume and some wore make-up and some didn't made it seem like a real school because those are the circumstances in a real school as well. Also, it was daytime which just added to the realistic feel of it all.