Monday 5 November 2012

Magazine Analysis

This is my almost complete magazine cover analysis- I will finish it soon.

Learner response: Urban drama/horror

The costumes are suited for an urban drama because the front characters are dressed in school uniform which would be quite stereotypical for teenagers in an urban area. Also, one of the characters (right) has headphones around her neck which is also something that a teenager in an urban area would wear and it is a common stereotype. Furthermore, the character in the background is there for the horror element because a character in a horror would be expected to be dressed in a scary and mysterious way and the character in the background satisfies the criteria. 

The scene is in daylight which is typical for an urban drama because there is usually a lot of background to show and no darkness needed to create suspense or mystery. In this case, because it is light and the scary character is in the background, it falls under the convections of a horror because there is the element of surprise because there is a mysterious character, and in a horror, there is a lot of mystery.

The actors in this shot are teenagers therefore they are likely to actually live in an urban area so they make the urban drama more realistic and are the stereotypical type of actors you would expect to star in an urban drama. Moreover, the characters are dressed relatively smart but not too smart which is another way you would expect young people in an urban area to dress, therefore the shot is full of conventions of an urban drama. Due to the fact that there is an unknown character in the background, it creates suspense and adds to the overall pressure and suspense we feel from the argument between the front two characters. Because the character is mysterious and covered, it would draw a parallel in the mind of the audience to a typical murderer or abnormal dangerous being in a horror.

There is no make up on the characters to make them seem more realistic and to make them more stereotypical so that the audience gets what they would expect from young people in an urban area. Also, the fact that you cannot see the make-up on the background figure's face is scary because you don't know what to expect and whether they are even human which is exactly the sort of questions a horror would make you ask.

There are not many props used but the characters are wearing a scarf and headphones to show that they fit into the urban area and the urban drama because they are casual. The items are what is expected of a character in an urban drama hence they add an urban feel. Also, the cape worn by the mystery figure is a prop to create suspense in the drama is a prop to make sure the aspect of a horror is kept because even though the figure would have probably been enough to create suspense, the cape adds to the scene and creates double the suspense.

The setting of the picture is in an urban area with a building in the background which shows there is a lot of people in the area. Also, it is a school therefore it creates the impression that it is quite busy and that adds to the element of an urban area because it is usually quite crowded.To add to this, the horror element comes in because the playground is abandoned apart from the three figures that are in the photo which takes away from the feeling of safety of the setting but rather makes it seem that they are trapped and abandoned.