Thursday 9 May 2013

Audience Profile

The Rock Sound Reader

Jess, age 25 is a student who adores rock and everything that goes with it. She pays close attention to her studies, however, the music she listens to influences her style, behaviour, ethics and even her choice of friends.

She is a style icon to her peers and generation. The music she listens to influences her style and helps her put her stamp on the world. The rock music she listens to rescues her from any sadness she feels because she can express herself through it. The lifestyle choices makes give her confidence as a person and are heavily influenced by the genre of music that she listens to, and considers to be close to her heart.

Jess loves to party and enjoy herself which is why she won't ever miss an opportunity to go out to a rock festival or a party. She is a student, hence she can afford to spend money on partying once in a while bit she does not let hr fun side take away from her future. She is determined, single minded and wholehearted in EVERYTHING she does. Her sense of morals is strong and she never misses an opportunity to help another person out. Although rock is a major part of her life, she values family and friendships as well. Jess' life strongly reflects and illuminated rock.