Thursday 6 December 2012

Film Trailer Analysis 2- The life of Pi

There are a lot of stereotypes about the people and the surroundings in the trailer. One of the main stereotypes is the one about the main character. We can tell he is the hero because as in any other fantasy, something happened to him to put him off track and therefore he is in danger. Also, he doesn't look particularly strong, hence the audience initially assumes he is not a strong character but we can see that throughout the film, his character develops and becomes stronger, which is also a common stereotype for the hero in a fantasy story to have so that we can see how the events changed them and helped them grow. Furthermore, the hero always falls in love and we can see this in the clip where there is a group of dancers and a special focus on one of the dancers. This is only brief but the audience can already tell that she will play a significant part in the film and potentially may become the heroine. The fact that the hero has to fall in love is a common convention of a fantasy adventure because it often creates a twist or an obstacle (the love often has to be rescued or won etc.)  in the story and adds to the effect of a happy ending when everything works out. 

Another stereotype we can see in this trailer is the one of the sea. We can see this because usually  you don't get many fantasy adventures that portray the sea as a friendly safe surrounding but rather like a vicious and dangerous environment. There is a storm at sea in this trailer which adds to the effect of adventure because the audience aren't sure whether the hero will be okay, especially since he is alone at sea. However, the stereotype is broken when, after the storm, the sea looks lovely and the sky looks like the sun is setting/rising which makes it seems almost idyllic and much like a paradise which would ensure the reader that the character will be okay but it will also add to the effect of suspense since they don't know what's going to happen since it is a common convention of a fantasy adventure for a paradise to turn out to be a trap.

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