Thursday 6 December 2012


1. The genre of the film is action. We can see this because of all the gun action (common convention of action) and the train crashing into the building because they all create a sense of action and thrill because they signify there's a fight about to happen/ already happening.

2.The film poster uses dark colours which connote mystery and something secretive. Also, the writing only gives you what is necessary to know- the date when it is released and the name as well as the number "007" because this is a sequel to a previous film series, there is an element of recognition, hence the reader will just look at the number and automatically associate it with James Bond. Furthermore, the character is a well known actor for playing James Bond and therefore, once again, the audience will be able to find the link between the poster and previous films. The character on the poster is also holding a gun which gives the audience a clue as to what genre it is (action) because the gun must be an important aspect of the film if it is on the poster itself and so the audience will expect gun action and fighting. 

3. The music in the film trailer sounds like a gunshot at the beginning and so adds to the effect and gives us a clue as to what to expect form the film. Also, There is a lot of action which is common in an action film- there is a lot if escaping, shooting, running, jumping, various crashes and car chases as well as helicopters that add a whole different level to the action. Furthermore, the colours are not very vibrant therefore the trailer seems quite serious and makes the action look serious and sophisticated- serious business. Also, the viewers will recognise fast cars as a common convention of a Bond film.

4. The target audience would be mainly young adult- middle age (20-40) males who are interested in action or are bond fans. They are likely to be of the C1+2 and D demographic.

5. The film promotion is successful because the poster and the trailer create a sense of suspicion and mystery  as well as set the scene for action (prepare the audience for it) without giving too much away- expose the main conventions but leave enough unsaid so that the audience will want to watch the film.

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