Saturday 1 September 2012


I love this song because it has meaning and it also goes with a great film. It has great dynamics lyrics and vocals. One thing I would critique as a media student is the choice of clothing in the video- the colours are quite dull so they don't stand out as much. The target audience are likely to be adults and older teenagers who like the music type and who would watch the film.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your praise and critiques and I'm pleased to see you can comment objectively on media texts you enjoy. You write in an engaging way and your spelling, punctuation and grammar make your writing credible.

    I would like you to be even bolder with your analyses by backing up your points with evidence from within the text e.g. the way you pointed out dull colours of the clothes within the Coureous video.

    Also, it is good to identify the target audience of a media text as soon as you can so you can comment on how it appeals to it's audience.
