Saturday 1 September 2012

Me and Music...

Sometimes I wonder how it works that I can remember the whole three verses and the chorus of a song but fail to remember revision notes so easily. In fact, I've always wondered why I love music so much. You see, I am the sort of person who sings anywhere, any time and everywhere and always responds to questions with songs or song lyrics (yes you have permission to feel sorry for my friends :) ). I guess it's safe to say I'm a music addict. In fact, I have been since I was little- I don't know why, maybe my mum sang to me a lot when I was a baby but who knows. See at the age of six I decided I wanted to play the violin and so I stared learning and have been ever since. One thing I really like about the violin is that, when played right, they can make a really beautiful sound like no other instrument. The annoying part however, is that it is incredibly hard to sing and play the violin at the same time. I've always wanted to be like those artists who walk up on stage with their guitar, or head to their piano and play whilst they perform- they make it look so easy. In fact, this summer whilst staying at my grandparents' house, I decided to teach myself how to play a song on the piano. Mission failed! But hey, there's always heaps of other instruments I can give a go :D

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm glad you cleared that up! I have a phobia of people on stilts...
