Thursday 27 September 2012

Urban Drama/Horror!

This is a high angle establishing shot to show the drama is in an urban area and to set the scene as well as to make the subject look inferior in the situation.

This is a long shot that focuses on the front character. It is a long shot to show the body language of the subject as well as enough background to show the figure in the back.

This is a mid-shot to focus on the upper body of the figure and to make it mysterious for the audience so that they don't know who or what it is.

This is a medium close-up shot that is used to create tension because you can see the facial expressions of the subjects/characters but your focus is drawn to the figure in the back who we can tell is the main subject of the shot because it is the only one facing the camera.

This is an extreme close-up to show the eyes of the figure and to focus the audience on the figure- scare them and give them a bit of a clue as to what or who it is.

This is a mid-shot to show the body language and the facial expression of the character to make sure the audience get the feel of the scene and so that there is suspense as you can only see the subject and you can only guess what's going on at the scene.

 This is an over the shoulder high angle shot to make it seem like the victims are inferior and to send the message across that they couldn't have done anything about their fate. Also, the over the shoulder aspect of the shot gives the audience a hint as to what happened but also grips their attention because they want to know why it happened.


  1. WWW: This is a great hybrid genre photo story that uses a variety of angles and shots and you analyse them well.

    EBI: I'd like to see even more analyses of the way your shots meet the conventions of both genres.

    LR: analyse the mise-en-scene OF THE 2-SHOT (with the cloaked figure in the background) using C.L.A.M.P.S: i.e. how the Costumes, Lighting, Actors, Make-up, Props and Setting create genre expectations for both genres. You will need to analyse the image as a new post and write a paragraph for each element of C.L.A.M.P.S.

  2. your urban/horror is awesome i wish i wasnt ill that day so i could have joined in on the action!!!
