Saturday 1 September 2012

Why I don't read magazines...

So the answer to the question above is: I really don't know. I loved magazines when I was a kid- especially the Barbie and fairy magazines (Oh the good old days) - I loved the free gifts that came with them!

But growing up, my all time favourite magazine was called "Macko Pusík" and you could say it was similar to Winnie the Pooh.

 I mean I used to think he was the coolest- come on his pet is a blue dog! (Who wouldn't want a blue dog?) You would always find the coolest activities or comics inside; it's a shame because I’m not sure whether they sell this magazine any more.

As for now, I don't really read magazines any more. I guess I just haven’t found one that would really interest me yet. I occasionally pick up a magazine in the shop, but I just choose the one with the most captivating front page.

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